Writing With Charts
Made for M2 technology and project consulting, with Tableau
Role: concept, design and implementation
Writing With Charts
Made for M2 technology and project consulting, with Tableau
Role: concept, design and implementation
Welcome to BERLIN Letter Viz, a playful data visualization project crafted with Tableau! In this visualization, I’ve taken a creative approach by using different charts to form the word “BERLIN”.
Dive into the charts and embark on a data-driven journey through the vibrant city of Berlin. Discover fascinating fun facts about startups, AirBnB, bike theft, clubs, and tourism in the city.
To celebrate the power of data visualization to tell captivating stories and reveal the hidden nuances of the world around us, we decided to bring it to life in a tangible form. We had the viz printed in a large and striking format, transforming it into a captivating centerpiece for the M2 office. Now, proudly displayed in the heart of M2s office space, the BERLIN Letter Viz stands as a testament to our passion for data visualization and the innovative spirit that drives us. Its presence not only enhances the aesthetics of the workspace but also serves as a reminder to never loose the playfullness with data.